مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Perspectives for mining ...
Perspectives for mining archaeological and archaeometallurgical research in Kerman Province
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده
From economic and scientific reports of the last 150 years we gained knowledge about the modern situation of mineral deposits in Eastern Iran. Of special interest here are the observations about cupriferous mineral deposits and remains of copper and bronze metallurgy which were already noted by historian and travellers of the Early Islamic period like al-Moqadasi, al- Mostofi, Khajeh Naser al-Din Tousi and the Venetian merchant Marco Polo. These reports from different fields of research are providing us with information about mining sites and remains of metal production areas like f.e. slagfields. Besides sites with traces of exclusive usage for mining and smelting there is also evidence for sites where both activities areas are located in close vicinity to each other and might be seen in relation. First archaeometallurgical surveys in this area were conducted until the Islamic Revolution. Due to the discovery of archaeological sites in this area like Tall-eh Eblis, Shahdad and Konar Sandal South with significant metallurgical evidence it is legitimate to postulate also a metallurgical significance of East Iran. Therfore it is also possible to see the archaeological sites in relation with the mining and smelting sites. To solve these questions about pre-islamic metallurgical activities in East Iran a new approach is started by the combination of already existing data and recent published scientific results to design an interdisciplinary research project. Besides the identification of mineral deposits and developments in metallurgy during this period it is also intended to gain more reliable information about the quantity and nature of used fuel.
پژوهشگران دیوید مایر (نفر اول)، نصیر اسکندری (نفر دوم)، نیما نظافتی (نفر سوم)