Potato virus S causes destructive disease on the plants. In this
research, 44 weed samples symptomless were collected during
2015 from Fars, Razavi Khorasan and Kerman provinces of Iran.
The coat protein (CP) and 11 K genes from eight PVS isolates
were amplified, cloned and sequenced. PVS was detected
in eight weed samples including: one sample of Solanum
nigrum, two samples of Chenopodium botrytis, three samples
of Chenopodium album and two samples of Amaranthus
hybridus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that seven Iranian
isolates fell into group I, II near to European isolates and one
Iranian isolate formed a separate group. Comparison of coat
protein and 11 k nucleotide indicated that all Iranian isolates
belonged to Ordinary strain and there were 79–100% identity
among the eight Iranian isolates and the world isolates of
PVS. The highest identity was between Iranian and Ukraine
isolates. Recombination analysis identified four recombinant
isolates among eight new Iranian isolates.