مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Historical Geography of ...
Historical Geography of Jiroft: Center of Halilrood Civilization
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده
Jiroft, Ghofs, Halilrood, Kerman, Historical Geography.
Jiroft is an area in the south of Kerman Province that has had excellent geographical, political and commercial situation in southern Iran from ancient times. Geographically, Jiroft area was extended to the Parse Sea (Persian Gulf) in the past. Jiroft is one of the oldest civilizations in men's community and the center of Halilrood basin that was discovered last decade. This place was violated by many historical formulas about eastern ancient time. This civilization had also a special situation during Islamic era. This research attempts to find out some unanswered questions about Jiroft by using analytic and descriptive methods and new Historical and Geographical information in Iran, such as what factors have been affected to form this history and civilization? The findings of this research show that Jiroft history and civilization is the present of Halilrood, mountains and fertile land of Jiroft. Jiroft has had excellent political situation during Seljukian era and excellent commercial situation during Albuye era. Therefore, the present research tries to understand the economical, political and geographical situations of Jiroft and the effect of geographical changes in forming the history and civilization of Halilrood cultural basin.
پژوهشگران رضا صحت منش (نفر اول)