Agriculture, Economical
growth, Employment,
Exchange rate, capital
stock, export
The economical growth of agriculture sector and the improvement of its export as
fundamental objectives in the country economical plans on one hand and
unemployment and expectations of generating employment by economical sectors
including agriculture on the other hand have caused simultaneous attention to the
three sensitive and important variables of above mentioned in regulating the
agricultural policies and the way these variables are related is also of importance.
For the very same purpose, in this study by using the statistics related to
agricultural sector from 1971 to 2004 and by drawing on methods of econometrics,
we have inspected the effective factors on economical growth in agricultural sector,
its employment and export and the prevailing link between them. The resulting
indicates the effect of employment, capitals and productivity of producing factors on
economical growth of agriculture, the effect of agriculture capitals and export on
employment and finally the effect of agriculture growth, relative indicator of
agricultural export price and supportive and exchange policies on agricultural
export. According to the results, the necessity of investment increase, depreciation
decrease and the productivity improvement of producing factors for the realization
of higher economical growth, concentration on investment development through
raise in capital stock and regulating strategies related to export development in
order to develop employment generation in agriculture and also following policies
of producing competitive products in agricultural sector, reform of exchange rate
and keeping and expanding supportive policies (giving out export prizes) in order
to expand agricultural export must be taken into account by governors and