Predicting microRNAs related to target genes using bioinformatics tools saves time and laboratory testing
costs. One of the most important economic traits in the dairy cattle industry is milk production, which is
controlled by many genes and microRNAs. In this study, we investigated the interaction between btamiR2410 and the PTEN gene. For this purpose, initially the target genes of bta-miR2410 were extracted from
miRWalk 2.0 database and according to the importance of PTEN gene in the milk production process, it was
selected from the target genes. Then, the gene sequence was downloaded from the NCBI database and the
miRBase database was used to find the bta-miR2410 sequence. The results of interaction of bta-miR2410
and PTEN gene with MFE = -29.9 kcal/mol show the high effect of this microRNA on PTEN gene. The
effects of PTEN target gene on milk production have been studied in other studies, and It has been reported
that this gene initiates lactation by playing a role in the AKT signaling pathway. The use of bioinformatics
studies along with new techniques can be very helpful in increasing the speed and more accurate
identification of biomarkers. Finally, the results of this study showed that bta-miR2410 by targeting the PTEN
gene, which is one of the important genes involved in important biological processes of milk production, can
alter milk production by altering the expression of PTEN gene in dairy cattle. Therefore, this gene can be
further studied as a biomarker in future studies.