Acinonyx jubatus, attack, free-ranging dog, Gazella
subgutturosa, Iran, mammal, social media, threatened species
Free-ranging domestic dogs Canis familiaris
threaten wildlife species through predation, hybridization,
competition for resources, and by contributing to the transmission
of pathogens. The impacts of predation may be
problematic, but in many regions the interactions of freeranging
dogs and wildlife are poorly studied. To determine
the extent of the impacts of attacks by free-ranging dogs
on Iranian mammals, we reviewed nearly decades of social
and traditional media reports and the scientific literature to
gather data from across the country. We identified freeranging
dog attacks ( from academic articles, from
social media, and from a variety of news websites)
from of the country’s provinces. Attacks by dogs
were reported on species, including nine Carnivora, six
Artiodactyla, one Rodentia, and one Lagomorpha species.
Most of the reported attacks on carnivores were on felids,
including the Asiatic cheetah Acinonyx jubatus (n = ),
Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx (n = ), caracal Caracal caracal
(n = ) and Pallas’s cat Otocolobus manul (n = ). Attacks
on Artiodactyla were primarily reported for goitered gazelle
Gazella subgutturosa (n = ). Most of these attacks occurred
within or adjacent to protected areas (n = , %), suggesting
that free-ranging dogs are one of the most important
human-associated threats to wildlife species even in protected
landscapes. The impact of free-ranging dogs may be
hampering conservation, and therefore we suggest some
practical policy guidance for managing the impacts of
free-ranging dogs on threatened species.