Climate change is a natural hazard which
threatens the sustainable development of human health,
food security, economic well-being, and natural resources.
It also affects photosynthesis, plant respiration,
and decomposition of organic matter that contribute to
atmospheric carbon flow. The net primary production
(NPP) is one of the main components of carbon balance.
This study investigated the impact of climatic change on
the net production in the Hormozgan county in south
Iran. To obtain NPP, MODIS NPP product
(MOD17A3) was used and future temperature and precipitation
values were obtained using the HadGEM2-ES
model under the RCP4.5 scenario. These values were
downscaled using the LARSWG 6 statistical model, and
precipitation and temperature were simulated for the
RCP4.5 scenario. For further analysis, NPP was simulated
based on the BIOME-BGC model and compared
with the NPP data obtained from the MODIS images.
Comparison of the climatic parameters of the basic
(2001–2015) and future (2016–2030) periods indicated
an increase in precipitation, minimum temperature, and
maximum temperature of the study area and subsequently
an increase in the NPP value in all biomes
(averagely 17.73%) in the future. The highest NPP
values were observed in the central and western parts
of the region in biomes 4 (mangrove forest cover), 10
(broadleaf forest vegetation), and 6, 5, and 1 (rangeland
vegetation), respectively, and the lowest values were
observed in the eastern parts. Results showed that the
increase in future NPP could be due to the increase in