مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Acoustic testing for melon ...
Acoustic testing for melon fruit ripeness evaluation during different stages of ripening
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
acoustic, impulse, response, non-destructive, melon, ripeness
Non-destructive impulse response technique was tested on two melon varieties (‘Zard-Eyvanekey’ and ‘Sousky-Sabz’) in fi ve diff erent stages of ripening. Resonance frequency and sound pressure level (SPL) from the impulse response were compared with mass, elastic modulus, soluble solids contents (TSS) and sensory evaluation. Among acoustic and destructive parameters, resonance frequency is an indicator to distinguish of diff erent maturity stage of the melon in both varieties. Th e sound pressure level (SPL) was not a reliable parameter to evaluate melon ripeness. It was established that the impulse response technique is useful to decide fruit maturity stage and appropriate harvest time.
پژوهشگران فرهاد خوشنام (نفر اول)، مسلم نامجو (نفر دوم)، حسین گلبخشی (نفر سوم)