hat's a very interesting application of the cobalt oxide modified with copper phthalocyanine
complex (II) tetrasodium tetrasulfonic acid (Co3O4/CuSPC) that was produced from Sesbania
sesban plant. It's impressive that the Co3O4/CuSPC was deposited on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
using a conventional single nozzle electrospinning technique to create Co3O4/PVA/CuSPC
nanofibers. TEM, SEM, AFM, FT-IR, EDAX, and elemental analysis were used to determine
fiber compositional information. Catalytic activities of this novel hetrogenous catalyst was
evaluated on the oxidation of alcohols in green strategy. The reactions were performed without
the use of solvents with tetra-n butylammonium peroxomonosulfate (TBAO) as a recoverable
oxidant. It's great to hear that The catalyst was recycled for six times making it more
economically and environmentally sustainable.