The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of modifying the growth trajectory in Raeini Cashmere goat breed. In
total, 13,193 records on live body weight collected from 4788 Raeini Cashmere goats were used. According to Akanke’s
information criterion (AIC), the sing-trait random regression model included fourth-order Legendre polynomial for direct and
maternal genetic effect; maternal and individual permanent environmental effect was the best model for estimating (co)variance
components. The matrices of eigenvectors for (co)variances between random regression coefficients of direct additive genetic
were used to calculate eigenfunctions, and different eigenvector indices were also constructed. The obtained results showed that
the first eigenvalue explained 79.90% of total genetic variance. Therefore, changing the body weights applying the first
eigenfunction will be obtained rapidly. Selection based on the first eigenvector will cause favorable positive genetic gains for
all body weight considered from birth to 12 months of age. For modifying the growth trajectory in Raeini Cashmere goat, the
selection should be based on the second eigenfunction. The second eigenvalue accounted for 14.41% of total genetic variance for
body weights that is low in comparison with genetic variance explained by the first eigenvalue. The complex patterns of genetic
change in growth trajectory observed