Like the macro socio-economic texture of the society, the kinship system in the court of King Sultan
Hussein was composed of kin and relatives. In this regard, this article aims at exploring the mechanism of
kinship relations in courts and their different roles in weakening the Safavid state. The current study applies
historical research methods and library data-gathering methods to collect first-hand historical data, describe
and classify the kinship features in the court of King Sultan Hussein, and analyze these features and their
effects in weakness and deterioration of the Safavid state. Among the factors which might be applied for
exploring the research question are the following: the kinship texture of court positions, supporting kinship
groups, different competitions and intrigues for obtaining personal and kinship profits, and texture of court
positions, which in turn led to court crises and distracted the courtiers’ attention from national crises and
problems. The above-mentioned factors, in turn, paved the way for weakness and collapse of the Safavid