December 4, 2024
Arsalan Faryabi

Arsalan Faryabi

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Address: College of Agriculture, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran
Education: PhD. in Irrigation and Drainage
Phone: 034-43347061 (داخلی 206)


Comparison of Fixed Classical Sprinkler and Wheel Move Irrigation Systems in Dehgolan Plain, Northwest of Iran
Type Article
Application efficiency, Distribution uniformity, fixed classical system, Potential efficiency, Sprinkler irrigation, Wheel move system.
Researchers Arsalan Faryabi, Eisa Maroufpoor, Houshang Ghamarnia, Goran Yamin Moshrefi


The performances and efficiencies of fixed classical sprinkler and wheel move Irrigation systems were compared in Dehgolan Plain, northwest of Iran. The field and laboratory experiments were conducted with 10 fixed classical and 10 wheel move systems. Christensen coefficient of Uniformity (CU), Distribution Uniformity (DU), Potential Application Efficiency of Low Quarter (PELQ) and Application Efficiency of Lower Quarter (AELQ) were used for the purpose of this assessment. The results showed a low efficiency due to improper design and management of fixed classical systems. Also, the results indicated that the wheel move systems used in Dehgolan plain performed well. The average mean values of the above coefficients (i.e. 12.6, 19.78, 21.5 and 14.53%) were higher in wheel move systems in comparison to those of fixed classical systems. Additionally, the average mean value of wind evaporation (WDEL) and depth percolation losses (DP) were 0.45% and 1.17% lower in the wheel move systems, respectively in comparison to those of fixed classical systems. The Adequacy of Irrigation (Adirr) of the wheel move systems was 16.3% higher than that of fixed classical systems. Generally, the results showed that wheel move systems in Dehgolan plain have a substantially higher efficiency than of the fixed classical systems.