Name Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjerdi Affiliation Assistant professor Degree — Website — Email — Journal Articles Conference Articles Projects Books Theses Speeches Innovations TitleJournal 1 Determining the contribution of environmental factors in controlling dust pollution during cold and warm months of western Iran using different data mining algorithms and game theory ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 132:108287 (2021) 1-14 2 Prediction of river suspended sediment load using machine learning models and geo-morphometric parameters Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2021) 1-15 3 New hybrid evolutionary models for spatial prediction of soil properties in Kurdistan SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT DOI: 10.1111/sum.12753 (2021) 1-21 4 Predicting the ground-level pollutants concentrations and identifying the influencing factors using machine learning, wavelet transformation, and remote sensing techniques Atmospheric pollution research (2021) 1-15 5 High resolution middle eastern soil attributes mapping via open data and cloud computing GEODERMA 385 (2021) 114890 6 Impacts of vegetation anomalies and agricultural drought on wind erosion over Iran from 2000 to 2018 APPLIED GEOGRAPHY 125 (2020) 102330 7 Accuracy, uncertainty, and interpretability assessments of ANFIS models to predict dust concentration in semi-arid regions ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2020) 1-15 8 Evaluation of machine learning models for predicting the temporal variations of dust storm index in arid regions of Iran Atmospheric pollution research (2020) 1309-1042