Name Hassan Kermanshahi Affiliation عضو هيات علمي دانشگاه Degree — Website — Email — Journal Articles Conference Articles Projects Books Theses Speeches Innovations TitleJournal 1 Effect of corn replacement with graded levels of wheat screening and enzyme supplementation on performance, blood lipids, viscosity and jejunal histomorphology of finisher broilers Spanish journal of agricultural research 13(1) (2015) 1-9 2 Effect of Chemical Composition and Dietary Enzyme Supplementation on Metabolisable Energy of Wheat Screenings ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 24(3) (2011) 386-393 3 Effects of Cecal Cultures and a Commercial Probiotic (PremaLac®) on Performance and Serum Lipids of Broiler Chickens Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9 (2010) 5 4 Effects of cecal cultures and aspergillus meal prebiotic (Fermacto) on growth performance and organ weights of broiler chickens International Journal of Poultry Science 5 (2007) 340-344