Species Distribution Modeling, Core habitat, Connectivity, Ensemble modeling, Golden jackal, Grey wolf.
Central Iran supports a diversity of carnivores, most of which are threatened by habitat loss
and fragmentation. Carnivore conservation requires the identification and preservation of
core habitats and ensuring connectivity between them. In the present study, we used species distribution modeling to predict habitat suitability and connectivity modeling to predict
linkage (resistant kernel and factorial least-cost path analyses) for grey wolf and golden
jackal in central Iran. For grey wolf, elevation, topographic ruggedness, and distance to Conservation Areas (CAs) were the strongest predictors; for golden jackal, distance to human
settlements, dump sites and topographic ruggedness were the most influential variables in
predicting the occurrence of this species. Our results also indicated a high potential for large
parts of the landscape to support the occurrence of these two canid species. The largest
and the most crucial core habitats and corridor paths for the conservation of both species
are located in the southern part of the study landscape. We found a small overlap between
golden jackal corridor paths and core habitats with CAs, which has important implications
for conservation and future viability of the golden jackal populations. Some sections of core
areas are bisected by roads, where most vehicle collisions with grey wolf and golden jackal
occurred. To minimize mortality risk, we propose that successful conservation of both species will necessitate integrated landscape-level management, as well as conservation of
core areas and corridors and development of mitigation strategies to reduce vehicle