Cladosporium is one of the largest hyphomycetous genera that the species of its are distinguishable from allied genera by having coronate conidial hila. By introducing the new concept of Cladosporium [1], the taxonomy of this genus has changed and in many papers, various species have been re-examined and described. Finely, these studies have led to publish a monograph of this genus, viz "the genus Cladosporium" by Bensch et al. in 2012 [2]. Due to limitation in the use of morphological traits, identification of most species are difficult. In recent decays, the use of DNA-based methods such as DNA barcoding has played a great role in identification of species especially cryptic species in most fungal groups. According numerous studies, molecular data has led to the description of new species in the genus Cladosporium [3, 4, and 5]. Considering the new concept of Cladosporium, taxonomy of this genus has started using morphological and molecular data in Iran [6, 7, and 8], and these studies will be continued until reaching a comprehensive monograph.