Magne tic NaY zeol ite immo biliz ed with
1-butyl -3-methyl imidazol ium tetrachl oroferr ate ([bmim] Cl/
FeCl 3 ) ionic liquid as a reus able, efficient, and easily sepa-rable adsorbent was synt hesized to remove dibenzot hio-phene from n -hexane. SEM–ED X, FT-IR were used for
charact erizati on of the synthesi zed mag netic sorbe nt. The
prepared ionic liquid was char acterize d by with NM R, and
mass spectro metry . The mag netic property of the sorbent
was consider ed by VSM method. The obtaine d saturati on
magnet ization of 19.5 emu g - 1
confirmed the facil e sepa-ration of mag netic zeolite immo bilized with [bmim]Cl/
FeCl 3 after adsorptio n proce ss. Centr al composi te design
was applied to predict the propos ed proce ss and to achieve
the optim um condi tions for thr ee influe ntial parame ters of
temper ature, time, and sorbe nt mass. At the predicted con-dition s, temperat ure of 23.2 C, time of 24.7 min, and sor-bent mas s of 0.836 g, the sulfur removal of 97.9 ± 0.5 %
was exper imental ly obta ined which was close to the model
sulfur remo val predi ction of 98.4 %. This noticea ble
agreem ent proved the proper and accepta ble estimation of
the central comp osite desi gn model for the propos ed process.
The exper imental data were reasonabl y fitted to the Lang-muir and Freund lich model which show s that the sorpti on
takes place on a heteroge neous materia l. The sorpti on
capacit ies of 2.957 (m g g - 1
) were achieved from sorpti on
isother ms