The information of the impact cutting behavior of plants stalk, play an important role in the
design and fabrication of plants cutting equipment. It is difficult to investigate a theoretical
method to define cutting properties of plants stalks because the cutting process is complex.
Thus, it is necessary to set up an experimental approach to determine cutting parameters for
a single stalk. To measure the shear force, shear energy and shear strength of plant stalk, a
special impact cutting tester was fabricated. The apparatus included four strain gages and a
digital indicator to show the real-time cutting force and requirement cutting energy of plant
stalk. To test the apparatus, a series of laboratory tests were conducted to measure the shear
force, shear consumption energy and shear strength of stem internodes of two plants stalk
like boxwood or box with a scientific name of Buxus (Buxus Sp) and privet with a scientific
name of Ligustrum Ovalifolium (Oleaceae Sp) under impact cutting at four loading rates (1,
2, 3 and 4 m/s) and three internodes of stalk (fifth, tenth and fifteenth). At boxwood cutting
analysis: the minimum and maximum values of shear consumption energy were obtained as
3.19 J at fifth internode and loading rate: 4 m/s and 19.6 J at fifteenth internode and loading
rate: 1 m/s, respectively. The minimum and maximum values of shear strength were obtained
as 0.06 MPa at fifth internode and loading rate: 4 m/s and 1.55 MPa at fifteenth internode
and loading rate: 1 m/s, respectively. At privet cutting analysis: the minimum and maximum
values of shear consumption energy were obtained as 3.95 J at fifth internode and loading
rate: 4 m/s and 28.56 J at fifteenth internode and loading rate: 1 m/s, respectively. The
minimum and maximum values of shear strength were obtained as 0.2 MPa at fifth internode
and loading rate: 4 m/s and 2.50 MPa at fifteenth internode and loading rate: 1 m/s,