March 7, 2025
Farshad Soleimani Sardoo

Farshad Soleimani Sardoo

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Address: university of Jiroft- faculty of natural resources
Education: PhD. in Combating Desertification
Phone: 03443347065


Joint Modeling of Precipitation and Temperature Using Copula Theory for Current and Future Prediction under Climate Change Scenarios in Arid Lands (Case Study, Kerman Province, Iran
Type Article
Joint modeling, Kerman plain
Researchers tayebeh mesbahzade, Marcello Miglietta, maryam mirakbari, Farshad Soleimani Sardoo, Mohsen Abdolhoseini


Precipitation and temperature are very important climatic parameters as their changes may affect life conditions. Therefore, predicting temporal trends of precipitation and temperature is very useful for societal and urban planning. In this research, in ordertostudythefuturetrendsinprecipitationandtemperature,wehaveappliedscenariosofthefifthassessmentreportofIPCC. The results suggest that both parameters will be increasing in the studied area (Iran) in future. Since there is interdependence between these two climatic parameters, the independent analysis of the two fields will generate errors in the interpretation of model simulations. Therefore, in this study, copula theory was used for joint modeling of precipitation and temperature under climatechangescenarios.Bythejointdistribution,wecanfindthestructureofinterdependenceofprecipitationandtemperature in current and future under climate change conditions, which can assist in the risk assessment of extreme hydrological and meteorologicalevents.Basedontheresultsofgoodnessoffittest,theFrankcopulafunctionwasselectedformodelingofrecorded andconstructeddataunderRCP2.6scenarioandtheGaussiancopulafunctionwasusedforjointmodelingoftheconstructeddata under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.