New faunistic data are provided for 7 families of arachnids from the south of Kerman province. The provided specimens were collected from diverse and similar ecologies; gardens, agricultural lands, plains, riverside lands, mountain slopes located in Jiroft city and its surroundings. 10 species were identified among the collected fauna, which belong to 7 families with different genus; Philodromidae, Lycosidae, Scytodidae, Prodidomidae, Gnaphosidae, Corinnidae and Theridiidae. Identified specimens range from the first reports from an area and city to the first reports from the country. Additionally, remarkable and interesting specimens were collected, especially a species of black widow spiders with possible effects and nature of its venom similar to spiders of this category. Five species from Kerman province, and also two for Iran are recorded for the first time. Theridion melanostictum (O. Pickard, 1876) and Steatoda erigoniformis (O. Pickard, 1872) are new for Iranian spider fauna. Steatoda erigoniformis is the first report from Iran, and the closest area report to Iran was from India.