January 22, 2025

hamidreza dorbidi

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Education: PhD. in -
Phone: 9133518783


Some Properties of the Idempotent Graph of a Ring
Type Article
Idempotents, idempotent graphs, regularity of graphs, diameter of graphs.
Researchers hamidreza dorbidi, RAOUFEH MANAVIYAT, Saeed Mirvakili


The idempotent graph of a ring R, denoted by I(R), is a graph whose vertices are all nontrivial idempotents of R and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if xy = yx = 0. In this paper, we show that diam(I(Mn(D))) = 4, for all natural number n ≥ 4 and diam(I(M3(D))) = 5, where D is a division ring. We also provide some classes of rings whose idempotent graphs are connected. Moreover, the regularity, clique number and chromatic number of idempotent graphs are studied.