Research Info

Anti-Diabetic Potential of Dried Latex of Calotropis Procera in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Type Presentation
"Streptozotocin", "vitamin C", "Calotropis procera", "triglycerid, "glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc)"
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a complex disease. For most people, it's a new way of life, and it affects relationships in all areas as much as it affects eating and physical activity. If blood sugar level remains consistently higher than normal, over time it can make damages on organs like heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and other parts of the body [1]. The present study investigates the anti-diabetic peroperties of aqueous suspension of dried latex of Calotropis procera with vitamin C in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wiatar rats in vivo. To study the anti-diabetic properties of Calotropis procera in experimental type 1 diabetes, animals were divided into six groups: control rats, STZ-induced diabetic rats (50 mg/kg b.w. diabetic rats that were treated by dried latex (200 mg/kg b.w), diabetic rats were treated by combined treatments of dried latex and vitamin C (100mg/kg b.w), normal rats that received dried latex and normal rats were treated by vitamin C. At the end of 15 days, triglycerides and glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc) were studied after direct anesthetizing of animals and blood samples were taken from the heart. According to the studies, the amount of triglycerides and HbAlc was increased significantly in diabetic group. But the treatment of diabetic group by aqueous extract of dried latex and also the combined treatments of aqueous extract of dried latex and vitamin C improved and reduced the above biochemical factors significantly. The results of this research work showed that the aqueous extract of dried latex compared to the combined treatment, had a better effect in reduction of serum triglycerid. But combined treatments of dried latex and vitamin C were more effective than dried latex in decreased the elevated level of HbAlc in group two. So, regarding the studied of this research, the conclusion is that the dried latex of Calotropis procera could therefore play in reducing diabetic complications in type 1 diabetes.
Researchers farideh Molaeenejad (First researcher)
Fereshteh Ezzatighadi (Second researcher)
Abdollah Ramazani (Third researcher)
Saeed Rezaee zarchi (Fourth researcher)